Baseball is available in both spring and fall seasons at NWFALL for boys ages 7 to 16, and 5 and 6 year olds who have completed a spring season of tee ball. See below for a breakdown of current divisions.
Ages overlap in several divisions of play. All players should attend evaluations so coaches can assess skill level. Players will be drafted to a division based on assessment.
Baseball Age ChartBaseball Bat RequirementsPitch Count RulesTee Ball
Often, a family’s first introduction to Little League® is in the Tee Ball program. Tee Ball is the entry level division for players, ages 4-7. The experience is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals while also being a key to growing a child’s love for the game.
Minors Division (A-AAA)
For boys and girls ages 5 to 11. 5 and 6 year old players must complete at least one spring season of tee ball and pass a skills assessment to be eligible for coach pitch. The goal of our coach pitch program is to help young players transition from tee ball into a more advanced program where they'll start to refine their hitting, fielding, throwing, and strategic skills while also learning the rules of the game of baseball.
A - Beginner Coach Pitch Ages 5-7: Beginner level coach pitch baseball. 5 year olds must have played one season of tee ball previously. 7 year olds would be first year players or players needing more practice before moving up.
AA - Advanced Coach Pitch Ages 7-9: The next level up in coach pitch, players that have advanced by age and/or ability beyond A. A 9 year old in this division would be a player with no playing experience or a player needing more practice before moving up.
AAA - Player Pitch Baseball Ages 8-11: The highest division within our Minor League program, players have advanced by age and/or ability beyond AA. Kids pitch in this division, with a 60-foot diamond and 46 feet pitching distance. 11 year olds would be first year players or players needing an extra year before moving to Majors. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.
Major League Division Baseball
Ages 9-12: This division is for players who have advanced by age and/or ability beyond AAA. Kids pitch in this division, with a 60-foot diamond and 46 feet pitching distance. 9 year olds must have completed at least one Spring season in AAA to be considered for Majors draft.
Intermediate (50/70) Baseball
The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division is for 12- and 13-year-olds and utilizes a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths.
Junior League Baseball
The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys and girls ages 12-14, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.
Senior League BaseballThe Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 13-16 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.